Even if you have been so lucky to be able to say that you are living in your dream house, there are always things that could, all of a sudden, transform it into an inadequate living space. Your family may get larger, you might decide that you don’t want to give up on having a study after all, or you might simply realize that you find the place cramped and that you want a change. In this kind of situation, you basically have two choices – extending your house or moving to a more suitable one. We’ll try to take note of some of the most important aspects of either choice and help you make the final decision.
Moving Place
If you want to make sure that you don’t make a terrible mistake, you can’t only focus on the financial aspects of this dilemma, but need to take everything else into account. The question would be quite complex even if you only needed to concern yourself with money, but when you also consider the fact that moving has often been claimed to be one of the most stressful situations you can find yourself in, the equation becomes even more convoluted.
Moving prices are relatively easy to calculate once you know the distance and the load that you want moved, but there are some hidden costs to this process as well. First of all, you need to remember that your new house might need quite a bit of work before you can call it a home. For instance, you may need new furniture, new decorations, the house might need minor repairs or modifications or you could face one of a hundreds of other possible complications.
Likewise, you also need to think about all the all the things that will change in your life – is your commute going to be shorter or longer, is the area you are moving into cheaper or more expensive than the one that you are leaving, and similar, as all of this will factor into your final decision.
Extending Your Home
In a recent conversation with reputed Sydney-based extension builders, we learned that people are not always as prepared for work on home extension as they might initially believe. Just like with moving, there are some issues with extending your home that you don’t become aware of until the process is already well under way, so let’s take a look at some of the common issues and steps you need to take if you want to avoid them.
Depending on the scope and the exact type of the project, expanding your home can be much cheaper and less complicated than moving, but there are some stories out there that would make your hair stand on end. Seeing how the modifications can, depending on what exactly is it that you are doing, make your house completely uninhabitable for the duration, you need to have everything sorted before you start the with the actual construction work. This includes everything from getting the right permits, to setting realistic time frames for various contractors that you might have to employ for the project.
While home expansion comes with fewer risks than moving, finding out that you are effectively evicted from your home for the duration of the works can be quite frustrating, so either try to compartmentalize the expansion to such an extent that you don’t need to leave the house at all, or at least try to make that period as short as possible.